The Invisible Woman

'Grappling with menopausal back-fat hasn’t been without its challenges’

A few years ago Mari realised she’d disappeared. Shocked but undaunted, she’s decided to use this misfortune to her advantage. Get ready for red lipstick, rubber bands and retribution as Mari attempts to right the wrongs of her community.

But there’s something else behind her crusade. Can she make peace with the past to fix her present? Can she make herself visible to those who matter most to her?

The Invisible Woman is a one-woman dark comedy about aging ungracefully and searching for significance, written by Ailsa Jenkins and inspired by her own disappearance.

Group tickets are available for 10+ bookings, please call the Box Office on 01834 861212 for more information


'ma' mynd i'r afael â back-fat menopôsaidd yn her ynddi'i hun'

Rhai blynyddoedd yn ôl, sylweddolodd Mari'i bod hi wedi diflannu. Mae hi wedi penderfynu - yn ddi-droi'n-ôl - i droi'r dŵr dychrynllyd hwn i'w melin ei hun. Bydd yn barod am ddial, am fandiau lastig a lipstic sgarlad wrth i Mari geisio gwaredu camweddau'i chymuned.

Ond mae rhagor i'w chrwsâd. Oes modd iddi gymodi â'i gorffennol er mwyn trwsio'i phresennol? Ydy'n bosib iddi ddod i'r golwg i'r rheiny sydd fwya' bwysig iddi?