The Arts Society West Wales: Cathedral Treasures of England and Wales
Tue, 08 Apr 2025 - Presented by: West Wales Decorative and Fine Arts Society
This is a Seated Event

Lecture starts at 11am
Cathedrals are monumental constructions, representing the greatest effort of Christian dedication in our landscape. They also house the most important objects associated with Christianity. In Janet Gough’s lecture accompanying her recent Scala paperback, 50 of these astonishing artefacts on display in the cathedrals of England and Wales and selected by the cathedral deans are brought to life. Ranging from sundials and astronomical clocks to stained glass, and pilgrims’ boots to Early English books and the first Welsh Bible, the National Churches Trust describes the treasures covered as ‘simply mesmerising’.
For eight years the Church of England’s Director of Church Buildings and Secretary of the Church Buildings Council and Cathedrals Fabric Commission, Janet has written three illustrated paperbacks to encourage wider enjoyment of these amazing buildings, Director's Choice, Churches of the Church of England, Director's Choice, Cathedrals of the Church of England and most recently (2022) Deans' Choice, Cathedral Treasures of England and Wales. A Cambridge graduate in History and History of Art, Janet worked at Sotheby’s for nine years, was a trustee at the Churches Conservation Trust, the Museum of Fulham Palace and the Friends of the V&A and guided and lectured at the V&A. Janet set up and ran an architectural history course of London around visits to significant buildings. Janet has also given tours and lectured on secular architecture and fine and decorative arts. Janet received an OBE for services to heritage in 2017, and in 2021 was made one of the first lay Canons of Bangor cathedral. Janet is happy to speak and develop talks on a whole range of matters relating to England's and the UK's ecclesiastical heritage.
Guests Welcome £15 on the door
For more infoamtion please contact – 07876 590543 or 07900 007205
The 2025 Programme is now available on The Arts Society West Wales's website HERE