An Invitation: Annual General Meeting

INVITATION: The Queens Hall Narberth AGM on 8th July 2021 at 7pm
Join us via Zoom (link to be released soon) or there will be limited spaces at the Hall for those who would like to attend in-person
After a year which has been exceptional in every sense of the word, we are looking forward to welcoming you and sharing what we have managed to achieve during these difficult past months, and what we have planned for 2021/22 and beyond. Please drop us an email via the 'contact us' page if would like a ticket to come along on the day or to get the link to tune in via Zoom.
We are also looking for new people to serve on the Trustee Board. If you would like to express an interest or to get more information on what the role involves, send us an email or call 01834 861212